I was using pyodide. “Pyodide brings the Python 3.9 runtime to the browser via WebAssembly, along with the Python scientific stack including NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SciPy, and scikit-learn. Over 75 packages are currently available. In addition it’s possible to install pure Python wheels from PyPi.”
I was curious to see, how popular are the packages that Pyodide supports. So, I went to PyPi and found a nice webpage on Analyzing PyPI package downloads
I had to get setup with Google’s Big Query, it was no big deal, but that required getting setup with an account and an API key.
Here are the exports for:
- altair
- astropy
- beautifulsoup
- bokeh
- cryptography
- ggplot
- list.txt
- matplotlib
- numba
- numpy
- pandas
- plotly
- pytorch
- regex
- scikit-image
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- seaborn
- setuptools
- sympy
- tink